#24 How to Scale a Successful Health Practice with J.R. Burgess

  • Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn in this episode:

    JR Burgess started his career in the medical and fitness industry following a successful athletic career and passion for personal training. Now a #1 best-selling author, international speaker, and CEO of both MedFit and Rejuv Medical, JR shares his insights with Harry Massey on scaling up your business.

    Tune in to learn:

    • The 3 key pieces of advice to scale up your practice
    • The power of stories and our personal traumas
    • All about the Cash Model, and why it’s the best model
    • JR’s secrets to keeping clients

    Download the full transcript of episode #24 How to Scale a Successful Health Practice with J.R. Burgess.

    Harry Massey

    Bioenergetic expert, founder of NES Health, inventor of the Total WellNES System, the miHealth device, as featured on The Dr’s show, also the writer and director of The Living Matrix Movie, Choice Point, and his latest project called ‘SuperCharged’.

    Harry was suffering from severe chronic fatigue syndrome which left him bed-ridden for 7 long years. He had tried every kind of conventional and alternative healing approach he could find but nothing had given him a permanent cure.

    Then, as a result of his own research, he met a visionary scientific thinker named Peter Fraser. That was when everything changed. Peter was an acupuncture expert who had spent more than 20 years researching what he called the ‘human body-field’ and developing remedies based on it. Harry volunteered to try them and, amazingly, over the next two years was able to make a full recovery.

    Peter and Harry began working together, combining Peter’s stunning research with Harry’s entrepreneurial skills and remarkable technological insights. They founded NES Health (then called Nutri-Energetics Systems) to develop practical applications based on this new understanding of the information and energy that make up the body field.

    Together they created the world’s first practical clinical system for ‘reading’ the body field and then correcting it – NES ProVision and a range of NES Infoceuticals. Since then, we have continued to innovate new healthcare solutions and technologies, including the first-ever handheld healthcare device that allows healthcare practitioners to remove distortions in a client’s energy pathways and stimulate trigger points to bring the body back to its natural oscillation.

    J.R. Burgess

    The CEO of MedFit and Rejuv Medical is JR Burgess, MS.  JR is a husband, father, coach, #1 best-selling author and international speaker.  JR and Dr. Joel Baumgartner partnered to innovate a healthcare model that reverses and prevents chronic pain and disease.  Their regenerative healthcare model includes non-surgical orthopedics, functional and primary care.

    Successful outcomes have been proven to be driven by medical fitness.  JR and Dr. Baumgartner believe that healthcare without exercise and solid nutrition as the foundation, is not healthcare.  They have played an integral role in replicating the proven model in 56 clinics worldwide.  Each clinic aiming at redefining healthcare, empowering medical leaders and patients to co-create health and impact the world.

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Hi there I am Craig Hitchens. I am a Naturopath - Certified Functional Nutritionist & Bioenergetics Health Coach. Here at Craig Hitchens Therapies I do things a little different to most other naturopaths & natural health care therapists & I am trained differently. I undertook my training differently for a reason; I wanted to be able to deliver truly tailored & flexible therapeutic approaches to my patients. My approach to healing is flexible using Functional Nutrition, Functional Pathology & Energy 4 Life Bioenergetic Wellness Therapy for a truly holistic approach to health & well being. I have studied many Diplomas over several years to provide me with a solid background to draw from in order to help people become well & healthy. 

When you choose to work with me, I aim to combine all of my knowledge & expertise to create a program designed to your individual needs or to simply offer the amazing NESHealth system as a stand alone therapy option. I have found by working this way for many years to be consistently effective in producing positive results with a long list of happy patients.

" ["imageUrl"]=> string(72) "https://neshealthstorage.blob.core.windows.net/practitionerphoto/114/114" ["email"]=> string(23) "chtnaturopath@proton.me" ["phoneNumber"]=> string(13) "+610421213898" ["mobileNumber"]=> NULL ["localScan"]=> bool(true) ["remoteScan"]=> bool(true) ["practiceName"]=> string(24) "Craig Hitchens Therapies" ["address"]=> array(7) { ["addressLine1"]=> string(25) "Unit 5 / 18 Griffin Drive" ["addressLine2"]=> NULL ["addressLine3"]=> NULL ["city"]=> string(11) "Dunsborough" ["county"]=> string(2) "WA" ["postcode"]=> string(4) "6281" ["country"]=> string(9) "Australia" } ["sixMonthProgramSalesPageAvailable"]=> bool(false) ["miHealthSalesPageAvailable"]=> bool(true) ["feelGoodSalesPageAvailable"]=> bool(true) ["bhcSalesPageAvailable"]=> bool(false) ["showAddressOnReplicationSite"]=> bool(true) ["immuneSupportSalesPageAvailable"]=> bool(true) ["emotionalImmunitySalesPageAvailable"]=> bool(true) ["hasOwnArticles"]=> bool(true) ["website"]=> string(41) "https://www.craighitchenstherapies.com.au" ["education"]=> string(808) "

I currently hold the following Diplomas and qualifications: 

  1. Diploma of Health Science - Human Life Science (Dip. H.Sc.) 
  2. Diploma of Clinical Nutrition (Dip. CL. Nutr.) 
  3. Certified Functional Nutritionist (C.F.N.)
  4. Diploma of Medicinal Herbalism (Dip. Med. H.)   
  5. Diploma of Advanced Counseling (Dip. Adv. Couns.) 
  6. Diploma of Meditation Instruction (Dip. M.I.) 
  7. Energy 4 Life (NESHealth) Certified Practitioner (nes-cp-B-0083)
  8. Certified T.F.T® Alg. Practitioner 
  9. Certified SIBO Bi-Phasic® Practitioner
  10. Certified GEMMs® Practitioner 
  11. Certified Integrative Oncology Course
  12. I am also a FULL practicing member of the I.I.C.T. and N.M.A.A
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