#18 Creating Energy by Healing Trauma with Niki Gratrix

  • Here’s a glance at what you’ll learn in this episode:

    Niki Gratrix is a leader in healing emotional trauma. She joins me this week to discuss simple tips for you to address trauma and how this trauma can be a causative factor in chronic fatigue.

    Tune in to hear:

    • How to achieve optimum energy
    • The mechanisms that are affected by trauma
    • How to recover from trauma

    Download the Full transcript of episode #18 Creating Energy by Healing Trauma with Niki Gratrix.

    Wendy Myers

    She has contributed articles to top health sites around the web and spoke on countless health summits and podcasts.

    Wendy is passionate about educating the public on Bioenergetics. She healed her own health issues and developed a successful, unique detox and supplement program.

    Wendy is a functional diagnostic nutritionist and certified holistic health coach in Los Angeles, Ca. She attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York and has a degree in Entrepreneurship from the University of Southern California. She uses Hair Mineral Analysis and other toxic metals testing for the purposes of designing custom Mineral Power detox and supplement programs for her clients around the world.

    Wendy urges her readers and clients to take responsibility for their own health by learning about healthy diet, lifestyle, detox and alternative treatments for health conditions. She aims to help her clients and readers help themselves and realize their body has self-healing mechanisms. Wendy ultimately wants to help you achieve optimum health, energy and vitality.

    Niki Gratrix

    Niki Gratrix is an award-winning internationally renowned registered nutritionist, mind-body expert and health writer helping people to optimize energy.

    In 2005 she co-founded one of the largest mind-body clinics in integrative medicine in the UK with patients in 35 countries where she worked as Director of Nutrition until 2010. The clinic specialized in treating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME, won the award for Outstanding Practice in 2009, and later published a preliminary study in 2012 on its results with patients in the British Medical Journal Open.

    After finishing her degree in Economic and International Politics at the University of Warwick, Niki started her working career as a chartered accountant. After a seven year career in financial services, she left to work in an environment with more heart and meaning and in ways she could more directly help and serve others.


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Hi there I am Craig Hitchens. I am a Naturopath - Certified Functional Nutritionist & Bioenergetics Health Coach. Here at Craig Hitchens Therapies I do things a little different to most other naturopaths & natural health care therapists & I am trained differently. I undertook my training differently for a reason; I wanted to be able to deliver truly tailored & flexible therapeutic approaches to my patients. My approach to healing is flexible using Functional Nutrition, Functional Pathology & Energy 4 Life Bioenergetic Wellness Therapy for a truly holistic approach to health & well being. I have studied many Diplomas over several years to provide me with a solid background to draw from in order to help people become well & healthy. 

When you choose to work with me, I aim to combine all of my knowledge & expertise to create a program designed to your individual needs or to simply offer the amazing NESHealth system as a stand alone therapy option. I have found by working this way for many years to be consistently effective in producing positive results with a long list of happy patients.

" ["imageUrl"]=> string(72) "https://neshealthstorage.blob.core.windows.net/practitionerphoto/114/114" ["email"]=> string(23) "chtnaturopath@proton.me" ["phoneNumber"]=> string(13) "+610421213898" ["mobileNumber"]=> NULL ["localScan"]=> bool(true) ["remoteScan"]=> bool(true) ["practiceName"]=> string(24) "Craig Hitchens Therapies" ["address"]=> array(7) { ["addressLine1"]=> string(25) "Unit 5 / 18 Griffin Drive" ["addressLine2"]=> NULL ["addressLine3"]=> NULL ["city"]=> string(11) "Dunsborough" ["county"]=> string(2) "WA" ["postcode"]=> string(4) "6281" ["country"]=> string(9) "Australia" } ["sixMonthProgramSalesPageAvailable"]=> bool(false) ["miHealthSalesPageAvailable"]=> bool(true) ["feelGoodSalesPageAvailable"]=> bool(true) ["bhcSalesPageAvailable"]=> bool(false) ["showAddressOnReplicationSite"]=> bool(true) ["immuneSupportSalesPageAvailable"]=> bool(true) ["emotionalImmunitySalesPageAvailable"]=> bool(true) ["hasOwnArticles"]=> bool(true) ["website"]=> string(41) "https://www.craighitchenstherapies.com.au" ["education"]=> string(808) "

I currently hold the following Diplomas and qualifications: 

  1. Diploma of Health Science - Human Life Science (Dip. H.Sc.) 
  2. Diploma of Clinical Nutrition (Dip. CL. Nutr.) 
  3. Certified Functional Nutritionist (C.F.N.)
  4. Diploma of Medicinal Herbalism (Dip. Med. H.)   
  5. Diploma of Advanced Counseling (Dip. Adv. Couns.) 
  6. Diploma of Meditation Instruction (Dip. M.I.) 
  7. Energy 4 Life (NESHealth) Certified Practitioner (nes-cp-B-0083)
  8. Certified T.F.T® Alg. Practitioner 
  9. Certified SIBO Bi-Phasic® Practitioner
  10. Certified GEMMs® Practitioner 
  11. Certified Integrative Oncology Course
  12. I am also a FULL practicing member of the I.I.C.T. and N.M.A.A
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