#43 The Infectious Myth with David Crowe

  • The human Virome in each and every one of us consists of over 380 TRILLION viruses. So, how can we be absolutely sure whether or not someone is infected with one virus in particular? Have scientists ever actually detected a virus outside of the human body? And can we trust the technologies we currently use for testing?

    Join Harry Massey and independent researcher David Crowe as they dive deep into the current global pandemic, and explore what past epidemics can teach us – from the AIDS epidemic of the 1980’s, all the way back to the Great Italian Plague of 16th-century Milan. Longstanding theories suggest that it isn’t the virus itself that causes harm, but an interaction between environment, age, and genes. How little modern medicine can tell us about viruses might surprise you!


    Read David’s paper here: https://theinfectiousmyth.com/book/CoronavirusPanic.pdf 

    Get the transcript here.

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Cherry Pfau is an Advanced Practice Holistic Registered Nurse, Healing Touch Practitioner and Shaman who helps women struggling with fatigue, foggy brain and emotional stress to live a life of zest and vitality for the second half of life. You can live your best life for the rest of your life. . Cherry has been practicing Nursing for over 45 years and she has been doing energetic healing for over 25 years. Cherry has been doing Energy4Life (NES Health) bioenergetic consultations and using Energy4Life scans for her clients and for her own healing for over 8 years. Cherry is a graduate of the Integrative Health Coach Professional Training at Duke Integrative Medicine, Wisdom of The Whole and the Wellness Inventory and she has extensive knowledge of a variety of holistic therapies she can share with you.  

Cherry offers remote bioenergetic sessions using the Energy4Life voice scan. Contact me at cpfauahn@gmail.com or text me @ 919.335.6861 to learn more about my work. 

Use this link to be added to my email list for updates and new information - https://www.cherrypfauhealth.com

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Master of Science in Nursing with Board Certification as Advanced Holistic Nurse (retired). Integrative Health Coach Professional Training Certificate from Duke Integrative Medicine, Wisdom of the Whole Coaching Academy, and the Wellness Inventory Coaching program. 

Energy4Life (NES Health) Bioenergetic Practitioner

Healing Touch Practitioner and Reiki Master/Teacher

Medicine Wheel Shaman

Level 2 Certified Holistic Aromatherapist

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