Infoceuticals The Breakthrough Solution to Restoring Health & Wellness

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Supporting the Root Cause of Good Health

You could simply focus on supporting your body’s chemistry with better diet (still important!) or supplements. Or you could try suppressing systems with medical drugs (that are likely to create other problems). But why stick with chemistry when you can get to the root cause of good health and support deeper, longer-lasting solutions?

Restore the body-field and you’re restoring the underlying control system of everything. Of your organs and systems right down to your cells and DNA. This control system runs on resonant communication, which can get distorted by toxins, pathogens, and even emotional stress and traumas. These need to be resolved and communication restored, and this is done by bringing the correct resonance (or what we call “information”) back into the body-field.

How is that possible? Through the miracle of Infoceuticals:

Following decades of research, we discovered a solution that is incredibly simple for you to use and benefit from!

Because of the way water structures itself in the body (becoming something like a gel), it can literally take shape under the influence of information or resonance, becoming the carrier of information for the rest of your body!

In fact, DNA itself is surrounded by water and changes based on the structure of water. Same with proteins in the cell, which then physically drive the actions of the body. Water is that powerful. That profound.

If resonance of the body-field is disrupted, then the structured water in the body is altered and everything starts to go haywire. So to improve health and vitality, you need to restore correct resonance within that field.

And here’s the light bulb moment:since structured water is able to carry information or resonance like this, we can use structured water to carry corrective resonance into the body-field. When we provide a strong, stable “signal” to the body — stronger than the distorted signal it shouldn’t be listening to — then we can get the body to start taking corrective, healing measures.

So that’s exactly what we do. With our proprietary Infoceuticals, we’re able to imprint structured water using a high-powered electric charge and modulated photons. These introduce a precise resonant pattern affecting targeted aspects of the human body-field. And with just a few drops a day taken in a glass of water, you can begin to restore correct messaging throughout the body and supporting the body’s incredible ability to heal.

Infoceuticals – Grounded in Scientific Research

As you probably know, we’re usually taught that water has at least three phases:

Solid (ice)
Liquid (bulk water)
Vapor (steam)

But scientists have discovered a fourth phase – EZ water – water whose molecules have bound together in such a way that the water takes on a gel-like quality. In fact, this has been shown by numbers of scientists over the last 100 years, but it has been convincingly shown in recent years — with video documentation of its unique properties — by Dr. Gerald Pollack of the University of Washington.

H3O2 (EZ Water)

Scientists have also demonstrated that this form of water responds to incoming information and presented the evidence of water’s remarkable ability to store and transfer information. And while conventional science continues to resist the evidence, it’s been unable to stop more and more researchers from coming to similar conclusions!

Read more on the science behind our Infoceuticals

The Future of Wellness is Here!

We have spent years intensely researching the information needed to restore every nook and cranny of the human body-field.

Infoceuticals are imprinted with information to help restore coherence where it’s needed. They use resonance – the ability for a strong signal to bring a similar signal into alignment with it – to restore integrity to the body-field and support the body’s ability to correct itself.

Because resonance works “non-locally,” the information distributed by an Infoceutical is picked up by field receptors in cells throughout the body.

Each Infoceutical communicates with and seeks to restore the coherence of specific aspects of the body-field, supporting the health and healing of different areas of the body.

While health corrections are sometimes uncomfortable as we release buried conditions and toxins that have been stored in the body, the Infoceuticals themselves have proven exceptionally safe over the years. And they’re easy to take.

You simply add drops to a glass of water and drink the water. They have a slightly salty taste (diluted by the water), due to the minerals that are used to structure the water so it can hold information.

Read What Others Had To Say About Our Infoceuticals:

Pain Gone. Sleeping Better.

I finally ordered my Infoceuticals and tried them. Within a few days, I was sleeping really well and feeling better emotionally. I felt like I had better brain clarity. My pain after three weeks was gone. Completely gone. Before, I was not able to exercise. I had a lot of very noticeable improvements that kept me wanting more.

– W. Myers –

Energy Levels Up!

“Since I started Infoceuticals, my energy levels have gone up. There’s no doubt about it.”

– C. Deppe –

Skin health improved after 7 Days

“It was a skin issue on an 18 month old. My baby came home from the hospital, and ever since his first bath at the hospital, he had skin issues. Nothing was helping … until I started applying Infoceuticals topically to his skin. After just 7 days, his skin health improved. That was near and dear to my heart because it was my son.”

– K.Coley –

A 164.4% Improvement in Reducing Pain & Fatigue!

We asked Infoceutical users to report on overall Wellness Scores (WS) and Symptom Severity (SS) before and after Infoceutical use.

For the 264 participants with 2 or more visits who had a WS < 4 at their first visit, the mean WS was 2.21 at Visit 1 and 4.48 at Visit 2, a 102.7% increase in overall wellness!

Their mean SS was 7.15 at Visit 1 and 6.41 at Visit 2, a 10.3% decrease in symptom severity. Both differences were highly statistically significant.

Wellness Score < 4

Pain Data

For those reporting on pain symptoms with 3 or more visits and Wellness Score < 4 (14 participants), there was a 91.6% increase in Wellness Score and a 6.2% decrease in Symptom Severity.

For those with 3 or more visits and Symptom Severity > 7 (58 participants), there was a 21.6% increase in Wellness Score and a 14.1% decrease in Symptom Severity.

Fatigue Data

For those reporting on fatigue with 2 or more visits and Wellness Score < 4 (24 participants), there was a 164.4% increase in Wellness Score and a 10.8% decrease in Symptom Severity.

For those with 2 or more visits and Symptom Severity > 7 (59 participants), there was a 12% increase in Wellness Score and a 18% decrease in Symptom Severity.

While this data was self-reported and not collected with a research study in mind, and outside variables were not taken into account, the data provides strong evidence as to the wellness benefits experienced by significant numbers of Infoceutical users, especially those with the greatest need.

For more detailed science information, please read our latest white paper

Want to Try Infoceuticals? Connect with me:

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Welcome to the 
Soul-Centered Institute for 
Stress and Tension Management:
We're integrating healthcare for Good!

Just imagine - No drugs! No invasive procedures! No expensive and time-consuming office visits! 
Just a finely tuned, intelligence driven, practical assessment and feedback system for you to take control of your own health and wellness quotient, your HWQ. We've brought our 20+ years experience in Total Quality Assurance and issues within ISO, International Standards Organization to recommend a Total Wellness Assurance System using my system for assessment and basic recommendations.

We have pioneered the art and science of fine tuning the symphony we call life, the force that literally attracts and creates who and how we are in wellness, relationships, and opportunities. It all starts with measuring and assessing energetic source, strength, balance, and harmony. Then its producing a livable regimen of recommendatonis, impmenting them, assessing outcomes, adjusting weekly or more often. 

We'll help you delve intp solutions that harmonize and resolve the root cause that seem to arise with stress and tension, always seeking to optimize wellness and ability to heal naturally with minimal health and lifestyle interference.  

Soul-Centered views our products as holy water and our muti-technology devices as magical wellness wands. That's how they work! Soul-Centered means we extend joy, compassion, love, and caring to you alwaysin in our relationships, contacts, programs, products and treatments. For that we offer you this portal for total wellness assurance. Yours free for a limited time with no restrictions.

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