How The Scan Works

Humans aren’t just chemicals that randomly know how to join forces and produce functioning bodies. They require a blueprint to pull off this miracle.

When it comes to people, we simply call this blueprint the Human Body-Field. It guides the flow of energy in the body and acts as an instantaneous communication system for the body to work as a single, harmonic unit.

As long as the body-field is in good shape, the body should be energized and functioning as well as possible.But if the field becomes distorted or blocked – as it can be by heavy metals and other toxins; pathogens (like viruses, molds, and bacteria); or emotional stress and traumas – the body itself can start to break down.

This is why true, holistic living has 3 parts to it:

Good nutrients for information and energy to work with

Recharging the body through healthy habits

Opzimizing the body-field to make best use of the energy and nutrients provided

We are based on decades of research using customized electronic equipment to “map” the Human Body-Field. Through a process called “matching,” we came to understand how the body powers itself and communicates through fields.

“Matching” occurs when the information sent between two structures is in harmony, or in resonance. Now if it’s two of the same structure – whether two electrons, hydrogen atoms, or liver cells – there should always be resonance, as long as the communication isn’t blocked.

While parts of our body seem very different, our research shows that many different parts communicate through matching and sending out resonant information. It was this discovery that allowed us to confirm much of what traditional Chinese medicine had taught about meridians for thousands of years.

More than that, it also let us explore how the body communicates with its environment, with nutrients, and even with our emotions, as every emotion sets up its own wave pattern in space!

The Bioenergetics Wellness System (BWS)

Based on all this, we combined our research with these advanced physics theories to develop the fastest, most holistic look at the Human Body-Field available. Our system uses modern electronics to generate a field that interacts with the body-field, allowing the kind of two-way field communication we’ve described. Our scan represents each test item in a proprietary way, and we scan each item many times to check and re-check for matches in order to provide the most accurate result possible.

Through a simple color system, we prioritize aspects of the field that repeatedly show their need for support, whether from an Infoceutical or from lifestyle choices.We should point out a few important items about how to understand this type of assessment:This is a look at the body-field only. It is never a direct assessment of the physical body or anything physical in the body, like a nutrient, toxin, or pathogen.

Purple readings indicate the highest priority, followed by orange readings. White indicates the lowest priority. However, these do not indicate severity, so they do not suggest the presence of symptoms. And they do not indicate whether something is chronic or acute. They ONLY represent where the body-field is seeking the most support at the moment of the scan.

So you never want to assume that a high priority is a problem or that it is making any kind of diagnosis. It is not, beyond recommending areas for support.

That said, most people find that this assessment correlates very well with their known health concerns; and NES Health practitioners who know how to observe patterns within the assessment are even better at seeing these correlations.

Insights you can get about your body-field – the foundation of your energy & wellness

Energy Source

Body-field’s response to issues of diet, hydration, movement, oxygenation. alignment with day and night cycles and more.

Energy Strength

Assessment of the strength of cell and organ powered fields, giving us an indirect look at the function of the organs themselves.

Energy Flow

Looks at how well information is flowing through the body-field.

Mind Body

Looks at the impact of stress and emotional shocks and traumas on the body-field.


Looks at the body-field’s response to certain emotions, which may be at the core of more health issues than anything else.

Energetic Immunity

Looks at the informational foundation to the body’s immune and recovery systems.


Looks at the body-field’s response to a variety of environmental toxins or electromagnetic exposure. Priority readings indicate the body-field’s inability to correctly respond to these elements.


Looks at the body-field’s response to a number of nutrients and nutritional issues. Priority readings indicate the body-field’s inability to correctly respond to these nutrients, to correctly metabolise, etc.

Want to check out your own Body-Field Scan?

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Welcome to the 
Soul-Centered Institute for 
Stress and Tension Management:
We're integrating healthcare for Good!

Just imagine - No drugs! No invasive procedures! No expensive and time-consuming office visits! 
Just a finely tuned, intelligence driven, practical assessment and feedback system for you to take control of your own health and wellness quotient, your HWQ. We've brought our 20+ years experience in Total Quality Assurance and issues within ISO, International Standards Organization to recommend a Total Wellness Assurance System using my system for assessment and basic recommendations.

We have pioneered the art and science of fine tuning the symphony we call life, the force that literally attracts and creates who and how we are in wellness, relationships, and opportunities. It all starts with measuring and assessing energetic source, strength, balance, and harmony. Then its producing a livable regimen of recommendatonis, impmenting them, assessing outcomes, adjusting weekly or more often. 

We'll help you delve intp solutions that harmonize and resolve the root cause that seem to arise with stress and tension, always seeking to optimize wellness and ability to heal naturally with minimal health and lifestyle interference.  

Soul-Centered views our products as holy water and our muti-technology devices as magical wellness wands. That's how they work! Soul-Centered means we extend joy, compassion, love, and caring to you alwaysin in our relationships, contacts, programs, products and treatments. For that we offer you this portal for total wellness assurance. Yours free for a limited time with no restrictions.

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